#################### Python including Pip #################### ************ Pip Installs ************ ====================== yt-dlp - Stuff to Know ====================== To download/install **or** update:: pip3 install yt-dlp When you get this **ERROR: Did not get any data blocks** invoke:: yt-dlp --list-formats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NameOfFile See which one will allow download. Youmay end up with a .3gp file. ====== PyTube ====== For PyTube, to install the latest source directly from github using pip, type this in your command line:: pip install git+https://github.com/nficano/pytube.git ======================== PyCharm and Kivy Install ======================== To explore: in Ubuntu 12.04, one user solved it this way: * Install CYTHON -- Do this First! * Install the Python header files: sudo apt-get install python-dev * Install KIVY: [sudo apt-get install Python-Kivy] or [sudo apt-get install python3-kivy] * Install the kivy-examples: sudo apt-get install kivy-examples An important `link `_ for Python 2x was included. The user went on to say that "the code builds and runs, but does not display in Python. I will edit this answer if I fix that, but this should at least get you started." Note: *PyCharm turned out to be a too-hard-basket editor to get working properly with Kivy, so I went with Brackets instead.* =================== Brackets Install... =================== ... **in Linux Mint** A no-brainer. For Windows, Mac or Linux, just get onto `Brackets.io `_: it will automatically offer the download for your host OS. In Mint, download the .deb and install. ====================== Kivy kv file Python... ====================== ... **syntax highlighting** Create a brackets.json file with the following code:: (code to follow) =================== Project: Roster App =================== Name of application:: rosterapp21s9453 Credentials set up `here `_ :: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials?showWizardSurvey=true&project=rosterapp21s9453 In google drive, set things up to be able to access with Python `this way `_. Installed gspread and oauth2client via pip3:: pip3 install gspread oauth2client ********************** Python Video Tutorials ********************** ====================== Corey Schafer's Series ====================== `Link to YouTube series `_. ====================== Mouse vs Python Series ====================== `Python 101 `_.