A Bit of Git, mostly Sphinx Notes
Stuff on here sort-of works, sort-of. I wrote this in Nov 2018. I’ll do some testing of this process as I’ve already encountered issues I couldn’t explain when I cerated this set of documents called HelpYrself. If it works for you, great. However, YMMV.
Update 18.11.17: Using KeysToLife as my test app. KeysToLife is a collection of emailed devotionals that are worth reading more than just once, so I’m saving them in this document.
01 - Github Setup
On my Mac, in the main user folder - sort-of like the “Home/Username” folder in Linux - there is an AllHelp folder containing subfolders for each product, as well as a folder in AllHelp/GitPages, where all build files end up. If a new product’s users would benefit from some sort of help system for that product, the product get a folder in that AllHelp folder. Any product with users will have a repository for that product on GitHub.
Using as an example a document called “KeysToLife”, the following approach more-or-less seems to get the job done. You will need two instances of Terminal running: one for Sphinx to build html from .rst files, the other, to talk to github.
I now use Github Desktop which makes the process infinitely simpler, particularly when I stuff things up: it suggests solutions, which the commandline approach doesn’t do.
02 - Sphinx
Note: this Sphinx section updated, with the following notes, on 2022.06.05
Sphinx Install
Tried installing Sphinx via Homebrew. make html wouldn’t work, so I uninstalled and tried:
python3 -m pip install sphinx
make html still wouldn’t work, so figured it was a path issue. Located sphinx-build:
which sphinx-build
Added the current python3 path to .profile:
export PATH="/Users/robyn/Library/Python/3.8/bin/:$PATH"
Now, make html works. Additionally added my main theme:
pip3 install -U sphinx-rtd-theme
New Sphinx Document Set
In the first terminal, run:
cd AllHelp/NewDocsSet
In the list of prompts, it will ask whether to separate source from build: I have selected No. Note:
where this approach suggested, the author said to choose Yes. It sort-of didn’t work quite as I had anticipated, so I’m selecting No.
In order to have the build end up in the right place, I have the following entry in the Makefile:
BUILDDIR = /Users/robyn/AllHelp/GitPages/KeysToLife/docs/
Also, change the following:
This allows the github-pages to find the source for the pages in the /main/docs/ folder in your repository.
In the newly created index.rst, change the title of the header as desired, then add the pages in the RSTs folder so that index.rst refllects what’s in the RSTs folder:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
:caption: Contents:
Modify the conf.py for sphinx to use the ReadTheDocs template, which I find easily more useful than some of the others:
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_theme_options = {
'canonical_url': '',
'analytics_id': '',
'logo_only': False,
'display_version': True,
'prev_next_buttons_location': 'bottom',
'style_external_links': False,
#'vcs_pageview_mode': '',
# Toc options
'collapse_navigation': True,
'sticky_navigation': True,
'navigation_depth': 4,
'includehidden': True,
'titles_only': False
Make sure to remove an indenting copying and pasting this last configuration text might introduce, as python sees indenting as a means of marking blocks of code. After adding your files to the RSTs folder and editing them, include them in your index.rst.
Newest sphinx-build version (5.0) requires a language:
language = 'en-English'
Note: previous CLI approach to github and git now done in Github Desktop. Just to much easier!